Online store of orange, clementine and delicatessen products from Spain
We are farmers, producers and fruit growers. In our fruit shop you will find natural seasonal products, artisans and Gourmet as our oranges or mandarins left to ripen in the sun naturally and free of any post harvest residue.
Rice from Valencia (kg)
Rice from Valencia grown in the natural park of "Albufera". …
Rosemary honey 1 kg
The rosemary honey is quite thick, of amber clear colour …
Sugar free strawberry jam (400 g)
Sugar-free strawberry jam made from ripe strawberries with …
Sugar free tangerine jam (400 g)
The sugar-free tangerine jam combines all the properties of …
Sugar-free raspberry jam (400 g)
Sugar-free raspberry jam that looks great and has a better …
Sugar free apricot jam (400 g)
The sugar-free apricot jam is made in the middle of the …
Orange blossom honey 1 kg
Orange blossom honey is usually light amber, with a mild …
Acorn honey 1 kg
Acorn honey is of the type known as forest honey. It has an …
Thyme honey 1 kg
Thyme honey can be light red or dark red depending on the …
Sugar free pumpkin jam (400 g)
The sugar-free pumkin jam is made with the best pieces of …
Miel de Eucalipto 1 Kg
La miel de Eucalipto tiene un sabor intenso pero no es …
Miel de espliego 1 kg
La miel de espliego tiene un sabor suave, dulce con notas …
Honey vinegar (250 ml)
Honey vinegar is a delicacy worthy of the most demanding …
Lemon honey 1 kg
Lemon honey is light amber and has a mild flavour similar …
Mixed Box 10 kg Table Oranges and 5 kg Mandarin
Caja Mixta 10 kg de Naranjas de Mesa y 5 kg de mandarinas
Extra class lemon (per kg)
Extra class lemon contains vitamin C in abundance and is …