Online store of orange, clementine and delicatessen products from Spain
We are farmers, producers and fruit growers. In our fruit shop you will find natural seasonal products, artisans and Gourmet as our oranges or mandarins left to ripen in the sun naturally and free of any post harvest residue.
Pimiento verde (400 g)
En solitario 0 para ensaladas, tostas, tapas… ¡Como …
Aceitunas con sosa (450 g)
Si te gustan las olivas como antaño esta es tu opción.
Yeyé reducida en sal (350 g)
Aceituna muy indicada para las dietas bajas en sal, le dará …
Manzanilla deshuesada sabor anchoa (350 g)
Al carecer estas aceitunas de hueso son fáciles de comer. …
Aceitunas partidas verdes (350 g)
Aceitunas verdes, partidas y bañadas en agua sal con matas …
Aceitunas al mojo picón (350 g)
Aliño único y exclusivo cuyo punto picante fascinará su …
Aceituna manzanilla sabor anchoa (350 g)
La aceituna manzanilla es la variedad típica de mayor …
Yellow Sungold plum (kg)
Yellow Sungold plum is large and stands out for its …
Eggplant (kg)
Eggplant in addition to good flavour provides a lot of …
Spinach (400 g)
Spinach can be eaten raw or cooked alongside other dishes. …
Premium banana (kg)
The banana is a very digestible and nutritious fruit, rich …
Alexandrine pear (kg)
The Alexandrine pear fruit has an elongated shape, i sweet …
Green garlic (bunch)
The green garlic has a unique aroma and flavour that makes …
Balsamic vinegar of Modena (250 ml)
Balsamic vinegar of Modena is ideal as a salad dressing and …
Flat Rochet bean (200 g)
The flat Rochet bean is similar to the Perona in shape but …
Lima bean (200 g)
The Lima bean is a basic ingredient in the authentic paella …
Artichokes (kg)
Artichokes are ideal for eating raw, fried, steamed, …
Vinagre de vino tinto (250 ml)
Se elabora a partir de vino tinto, el producto final no …
Champignon mushroom (400 g)
The champignon or common mushroom is also known as Paris …
Bunch of 3 tender onions
The bunch of 3 tender onions has a soft taste that makes it …
Golden grain onion (kg)
The gold grain onion has a good conservation and is easily …
Land potato (kg)
We name land potato to all the potatoes that come from our …
Cucumber (500 g)
Cucumber is one of the most produced and consumed …
Iceberg lettuce (por uds.)
Iceberg lettuce has a round shape, large, crunchy and raw …
Padrón pepper (250 g)
With the Padrón pepper it is already known that some bite …
Red potato (kg)
The red potato has a firm flesh, flour in some varieties …
White onion (kg)
The white onion has a sweeter taste than the yellow onion, …