Online store of orange, clementine and delicatessen products from Spain
We are farmers, producers and fruit growers. In our fruit shop you will find natural seasonal products, artisans and Gourmet as our oranges or mandarins left to ripen in the sun naturally and free of any post harvest residue.
Perona bean (200 g)
The Perona bean is the most consumed bean of flat sheath. …
Tomate Corazón de Buey (kg)
Tomate asurcado especial para ensaladas, de color rosado y …
Violin pumpkin (per unit)
Entire Violin pumpkin with hard meat exquisite and sweet …
Artichokes (kg)
Artichokes are ideal for eating raw, fried, steamed, …
Bunch of 3 tender onions
The bunch of 3 tender onions has a soft taste that makes it …
3 hearts of lettuce
Hearts of lettuce are an ideal food in any weight control …
Loquat Callosa d’en Sarrià (500 g)
The loquat from Callosa d'en Sarrià in Spain contains …
Yellow Sungold plum (kg)
Yellow Sungold plum is large and stands out for its …
Fabes (kg)
Color blanco y forma alargada. Muy suave y mantecosa. Ideal …
Aceitunas partidas verdes (350 g)
Aceitunas verdes, partidas y bañadas en agua sal con matas …
Cerveza artesanal WAI tostada
Una cerveza de estilo tostado con doble malta. Obtenida …
Caribbean coconut (per unit)
The Caribbean coconut is a fleshy fruit, very aromatic and …
Alexandrine pear (kg)
The Alexandrine pear fruit has an elongated shape, i sweet …