The most consumed are red and green but there are yellow, violet and even black. Being its main component, water and carbohydrates makes it a low calorie food. You can consume it both raw and cooked.
As a general rule the long and thin varieties are more suitable for frying and the more meaty ones are used to fill or roast. Raw we can add them to the salads and make the most of their vitamins.
History and origin of the peppers
Prehistoric remains in Peru have been found to show that peppers existed then, and were grown in Central and South America in very early times. Several sources name countries like Bolivia, Mexico and Peru as places of origin of this vegetable.
The most widespread official history tells us that peppers came to Europe imported from America by Christopher Columbus in 1493. In Spain began cultivation in the sixteenth century and later spread to Italy and from there to France from where it was distributed to the rest Of Europe thanks to the Portuguese merchants.
We cannot say that this is a vegetable of abundant consumption in antiquity since its consumption intensified in Europe in the sixteenth century. The Europeans gave the name to this vegetable and its introduction was a breakthrough in culinary customs because it was used as a supplement to black pepper, a very popular species.
In the twentieth century varieties of soft and sweet touch were developed that we eat today. Due to these new intensive crops the peppers increased significantly their production and consumption until becoming one of the most appreciated vegetables and with more variants of the cuisines of the whole world.
Properties and Benefits of Peppers
- They are rich in vitamin A and help maintain healthy vision, especially night vision.
- It is rich in lycopene, a vegetable pigment with antioxidant properties that protects cells from oxidative stress and prevents prostate and lung cancer.
- Its high content in vitamin C favours the absorption of iron from food in the digestive system. Highly recommended for people with anaemia.
- Red peppers contain vitamin B6 and magnesium and this combination fights anxiety and insomnia. In addition, vitamin B6 is a natural diuretic, so including this food in the diet contributes to avoid hypertension.
- Because of its content in lutein, beta-carotene, capsanthin and quercetin, red peppers prevent harmful cholesterol.
- Its caloric contribution is minimal since it is composed mainly of water.
- Crudes are a great source of vitamin C but their sensitivity to heat causes fried or grilled to lose much of this vitamin.
- Also note its content in Vitamin A, E and folates, hence its antioxidant effect.
- Among its minerals we emphasize the content in magnesium and potassium since the sodium hardly has presence.
- Its fibre content is satiating and promotes bowel movement.
- Its high potassium content makes it a diuretic food that helps in the elimination of leftover liquids and toxins from the body.
- Thanks to the contribution of vitamin E, A, selenium and carotenoids helps reduce the risk of degenerative diseases, cardiovascular and cancer.
menudo pimiento rojo y verde, giganton y bien bueno! de 10 (o 5 que 10 no me deja)FICOBA ARRESE ARTOLA