Sour potato for frying (kg)
Product Availability: No stock
The sour potato has a medium to large size. It is suitable for frying because you get some really crisp potatoes on the outside and soft inside.
1,25 €
1,25 €
Price / kg:
The sour potato for frying has an oval and elongated shape with fine skin, smooth texture and yellow flesh. It is their balance between starch and water, the good size they present and the few sugars that make this potato ideal for frying although they are also good baked, cooked or boiled.
It is a potato with good production, good storage capacity and conservation and a very attractive price which makes it a highly demanded potato in the industry and essential in any market or greengrocer.
It is known as the ideal potato for frying because for this purpose is the most indicated and recommended by experts.
Monday, 08 May 2017
No se si he tenido mala suerte, pero me ha tocado recibir patatas que se ve que han sufrido alguna helada.Bootijo
Eso si, una vez eliminada la parte afectada, el resto hay que decir que tenia muy buen sabor, patata crujiente por fuera y blandita por el interior ...
Tuesday, 26 April 2016
veo que los clientes deben comprar más las otras pero a mi me gusta esta mucho, para freir quedan muy crujientes.
Antonio Luis